Wild Knedliky (Czech Potato Dumplings) are a wholesome and flavorful take on traditional potato dumplings. They are made by mixing mashed potatoes and cooked wild rice. They are boiled until soft, then brushed with butter to make them taste even better.
Place potatoes in a large bowl with flour, farina, salt, wild rice and egg. Mix by hand to thoroughly combine all ingredients; let stand 5 minutes. Shape into 3 oz cylinder-shaped dumplings.
In large pot, bring salted water to a boil; add dumplings. Dumplings will fall to bottom of pot, so gently stir them off bottom. Bring back to brisk boil for 15 minutes. Check dumplings for doneness by slicing one through the middle. It is done when it appears fluffy and white throughout. Remove dumplings from water; make a slit in the center of each and brush with butter.